Window Cleaning | Angie s List

Homemade outside Windows Cleaning

The sunshine is here {yay!} and when we look out at the beautiful spring day we don’t want to see fingerprints, smudges, or mildew. Today we are learning how to clean windows!


First we are going to start with washing our windows and wiping down our sills. Traditionally you think of washing your windows with glass cleaner and some paper towels but today I’m going to challenge you to do it differently.

This is a super easy way to wash windows. It will save you money, because you won’t use up all of your glass cleaner, and it’s environmentally friendly! The best part is that it’s guaranteed to leave your windows streak-free! I have been washing my windows this way for years and I love it! It’s so easy and so satisfying when I’m done.

For this tutorial I had to use my large pot because I couldn’t find my bucket anywhere! It worked nicely though because it had a handle on each side to hold my rag and my squeegee.

Step 1: Wipe down the entire window with soapy water. {I took these pictures at night in hopes that you could actually see what I was doing, instead of just seeing what was outside}.

Step 2: Use the squeegee to wipe the water off. At the end of each swipe down, wipe the squeegee dry with the dry rag. A little water will accumulate on the window sill but don’t worry, we’ll get to that.

Pretty gross! My windows looked clean but I guess they weren’t really. :/

When you are finished with each window wipe the window sill clean with the wet, soapy cloth. Now that your windows and sills are sparkly, I’m going to show you the best way to clean window tracks.

I had not cleaned them, since we moved in last June. GROSS!!! {For the record this tutorial was written in 2011. My windows have been very clean ever since!}

Step 1: Dip your Q-tip in the white vinegar and wipe out the grime. This is embarrassing but look at what came out of mine!

Step 2: Run the Q-tip along the whole inside of the track…

and then wipe it out with a paper towel.

I had to show this because it is disgusting! I thought this would make you all feel better about your houses, since I’m supposed to be the clean one!!!

Seriously gross!!!

Nothing a little white vinegar and paper towel can’t fix.

MUCH better now!

Don’t forget about the tracks on your sliding glass doors. I vacuum mine every time I vacuum but I’ve never got down on my hands and knees to clean it out.

Now you know the best way to clean windows, window tracks and window sills and I’m sure all your friends will be asking you how you got them so clean!
