How to Make Windows Cleaning at Home?
Method 1
Locate Ingredients
- Grab your trusty bottle of white vinegar. If you have been cleaning the “green way” you most likely use white vinegar to clean a variety of items in your home.
- Locate a few fresh lemons or a bottle of lemon juice. Either works just as well but if you use the juice from fresh lemons you can throw the peel into the garbage disposal to clean and freshen the drain-cleaning using the two-for-one method!
- Purchase or repurpose an empty spray bottle. If you are repurposing a spray bottle, especially if it contained cleaning chemicals, you will want to wash and rinse it extremely well.
- Consider repurposing a spray bottle that contained window cleaner previously. For example, if the bottle used to house furniture polish there is still a chance some of the oil may be left over in the bottle and can diminish the power of your natural window cleaner.
- Find a container to mix your window cleaner. A drinking glass will most likely do the trick or you can try to mix it directly inside the spray bottle.
Method 2
Make Window Cleaner
- Measure 1 tbsp. of white vinegar and 2 tbsp. lemon juice in either the drinking glass or empty (and clean) spray bottle.
- Stir or shake the bottle well to fully integrate.
- Pour one cup of hot water into the mixture. The water needs to be hot, but not boiling.
- Stir or mix ingredients again and either pour into spray bottle or add cap and nozzle.
- Be sure you shake or mix well (even shaking the bottle vigorously) to ensure ingredients are well blended.
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- Use dry pieces of newspaper instead of paper towels to make windows/glass shine.
- Add 1 tsp. of fabric softener to your mixture if you are trying to clean hard water or soap stains in the bathroom. For extra stubborn stains, apply the fabric softener directly to the area, allow to set and then wipe with your solution.
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